Bring with you
Please remind all members of your group to bring with them to Tallinn:
- a sleeping mat and a sleeping bag
- a thermos bottle
- a cup, a plate and a spoon for breakfast
- a reflector, if they have one
- a pair of slippers (it is customary to take your shoes off when entering a house)
- a torch (to spare the battery of your phone)
- a multiple socket to help recharging phones
- a swimming suit for collective showers
- your musical instrument for the feast of nations
- European health insurance card or UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC)
- identity document (ID card or passport) and photocopy of it
- a square of foam to sit on the floor
- any medication you need
- priests can bring their alba and stole and mass kit
If you come by car:
- Bring your winter gear! Be aware that from December 1st on, every passenger car entering Estonia from another country must be equipped with winter tyres that meet the Estonian technical standards. This winter tyre requirement applies to vehicles in the M1, N1, O2, and L6e and L7e body categories.
Each participant has to fill the participation form and give it to the local community on arrival.
Then you will receive a bag for collecting food at the evening meal distribution. Group leaders or individuals who have not sent their contribution in advance will be expected to give it —only in euros (€)— on the evening of 28/12 at Tondiraba before the supper distribution. However, it will make the process easier if you can make your contribution in advance through your registration form.
We shall continue the call for hospitality until Christmas but there will not be a bed for everyone: a large majority of participants will be accommodated collectively (schools, empty apartments, sport facilities...). It will require your generosity, your skills and your creativity to organise common life and run the morning programme with other participants. It is essential for everyone to bring a sleeping bag and a camping mat!
We will send you the address of the place where you will be welcomed in Tallinn and around on the 28th of December. From there each participant will be sent to their accommodation.
Large groups will be split into subgroups of a maximum of 15-25 people and each of these subgroups will be welcomed at a different place. Therefore leaders of larger groups will receive a list of different welcome addresses. We will send you several contacts for each of the smaller groups that you form. Name a person to take charge of each group so that each group can communicate to their contact and update them in case of late logistic issues with your group (participant cancellation, transport delay, etc…). Please ensure that your route to Tallinn allows each subgroup to reach their welcome place.
- Those arriving on 26th need to come to
Kaarli Kool, Kaarli puiestee 10
- where they will be welcomed.
- Those arriving on 27th and do not have accommodation for the first night should take contact with us through