Tudnivalók a torinoi találkozóról

31 January 2023 | Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

In the second part of January a brother of the Taizé Community participated in the week of Christian unity. This visit to Slovenia made it possible to meet Christians of different denominations, to pray with them and also to listen to their expectations regarding the meeting at the end of the year. During these prayers throughout the country - as well as all over the world - it was possible to meet representatives of the Serbian Orthodox, the Macedonian Orthodox and the Pentecostal Churches, among others.

As is done regularly, a prayer with the songs of Taizé also took place in the Lutheran church in Ljubljana.

2 January 2023 | Announcement of the meeting

During the European Meeting in Rostock, brother Alois announced that the next meeting will take place in the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana. Stanislav Zore, the archbishop of the city that will host the next meeting, was present at the announcement and stated, “Welcoming thousands of young people is not an easy task, but we can see God’s call in it, which brings new life to our parishes and other Christian communities. It is also a great opportunity to invite those who have drifted away from the Church to participate and to ask them to welcome young people into their homes.”

Az évvégi torinoi találkozóval kapcsolatos tudnivalók angolul ill. más nagyobb nyelveken olvashatók.

A részvételi hozzájárulás az érkezők országának függvényében lett megállapítva:

  • Magyarországról érkezők: 65 Euro (35 év felett 100 Euro)
  • Romániából érkezők: 45 EUR (35 év felett 70 Euro)
  • Szlovákiából érkezők: 65 EUR (35 év felett 100 Euro)
  • Szerbiából érkezők: 45 EUR (35 év felett 70 Euro)
  • Ukrajnából érkezők: 40 EUR (35 év felett 60 Euro)

Printed from: https://www.taize.fr/hu_article32682.html - 18 June 2024
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