If you are travelling from Paris, choose Mâcon-Loché TGV as your destination station (this is the nearest station to Taizé).
Note: Ticket prices on the fast (TGV) train vary a lot, depending on how far in advance they are bought. Slower trains which run from Paris-Bercy or Paris-Austerlitz to Mâcon-Ville will often be less expensive if you have left it late to book your ticket.
If you are travelling from Lyon, choose either Mâcon-Ville or Mâcon-Loché TGV as your destination station.
If you are travelling from Geneva, choose either Mâcon-Ville or Mâcon-Loché TGV (via Lyon Part-Dieu or Bourg-en-Bresse) as your destination station.
If you are travelling from Strasbourg, choose Chalon-sur-Saône as your destination station. (N.B. There are also some connections to Mâcon-Ville or Mâcon-Loché TGV via Paris.)
From Mâcon-Ville, Mâcon-Loché TGV and Chalon-sur-Saône stations there is a connecting bus to Taizé (see pdf timetable below). We suggest that you buy the ticket on the bus (on internet sites it is sometimes more expensive).
Not all trains are followed by a bus connection to Taizé (see the timetable below). If there is no bus, you will need to take a taxi or minbus, which is much more expensive than the bus. See Taxis and buses for hire locally.
You can find train times and buy tickets online on various sites. Many journeys are available as electronic tickets. Note that ticket prices are substantially lower if you buy them well in advance.
Useful sites and links:
The SNCF site (English) [https://www.sncf-connect.com/en-en/] or (French) [https://www.sncf-connect.com/].
Deutsche Bahn international timetable (Deutsch [https://www.bahn.de/?lang=de]) (English [https://int.bahn.de/en/])
https://www.viamobigo.fr/en/mobigo-... [https://www.viamobigo.fr/en/mobigo-regional-network/71/saone-et-loire-timetables/286], for more information on the LR701 bus line, which connects the train stations to Taizé.
Changing trains in Paris
See this useful page [http://www.seat61.com/Paris-metro.htm#Metro%20routes%20from]
and for going from Gare du Nord to Gare de Lyon, this video [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSAHTKVBVwg]
From the UK
See Travel to Taizé individually
Timetable of connecting buses to Taizé:

- from 01.09.2024 onwards