Prayers with songs from Taizé exist in many places in Australia. We would hope that they be opportunities to gather young adults to let them deepen their faith in Christ and commitment in their Churches. The prayers appearing on this page are regular prayers known directly or indirectly to the brothers and which are in touch with the reality of the local Church in that area.
The "pilgrimage of trust on earth" is not a movement in the formal sense of the word at all. So no one has a list of "members". It is often possible, however, to put people in touch with others in their locality. Please feel free to contact us at community

South Australia
Bethany, Barossa Valley
Every Sunday evening, prayer and eucharist with the Songs of Taizé, at 7.00pm (ACST) at Bethany.
This prayer is Zoomed each week.
For further details please contact: Brian Philips at brian.phillips
Gawler, S.A.
The Church of the Transfiguration
Adelaide Road
Gawler, SA
First Wednesday at 7pm each month: ’Prayers of Hope and Reconciliation ’ using the Songs & Prayers of the Taizé Community.
Contact: David or Betty on 08 85224168
or dethorpeoz
New South Wales
For news of events in NSW and ACT, follow the Facebook group by clicking here []
Sydney Metropolitan Area
City 2000
Pitt Street Uniting Church (near Town Hall)
264 Pitt St, Sydney,
“Sanctus: Songs and Prayers of Taizé”
1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 5.30-6.15pm
Contact Penny Jones:penehj24
Vaucluse 2030
St Michael’s Anglican Church
Cnr Gilliver Ave & Vaucluse Road, Vaucluse
Service with songs from Taizé 4 times a year
2023: April 6 at 6pm (Maundy Thursday), June 20th at 6pm (for World Refugee Day,) December 3rd at 6pm (first Sunday in Advent)
Contact Louise Kaye: mlkaye
Pymble 2073
Sacred Heart Church
2 Richard Porter Way, Pymble - Access is via Bannockburn Road.
First Friday of the month – 7.30pm
Contact Jane Asher on 0403-983905
Davidson 2085
St Martin de Porres Catholic Church ( [])
149 Prahran Ave
1st Friday of the month, 8.00pm, except January
Carmel & Tony Smith
Epping 2121
St Alban’s Anglican Church
Pembroke St
2nd Sunday of February, April, June, August, October, November, at 6.00pm
Fr Paul Weaver
office or call 9876-3362.
Liverpool 2170
Loreto Place Chapel
behind All Saints Church, 48 George St, Liverpool, NSW 2170
Wednesday June 14, Wednesday 29 November 2023 at 7.00pm followed by supper.
A reflective evening of music, scripture and prayer.
People of all Christian denominations are most welcome!
Contact: Kim Mannix info or phone 9753 6500 (All Saints’ Church)
NSW Central Coast
Facebook: Taize Newcastle Australia
Tighes Hill 2297
Ecumenical prayer with songs from Taizé
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, 22 Tighes Terrace
First Sunday each month
5.00pm- 6.00pm followed by a shared supper
Contact: annahillnewcastle
NSW Southern Tablelands
Yass Valley 2582
Uniting Church
30 East Street (Barton Highway) Murrumbateman NSW
An ecumenical gathering using the prayers and music of Taize
1st Sunday of every month, 6pm
Contact Paul at paultrezise
NSW Blue Mountains
Leura 2780
Every third Sunday of the month 5 - 6 pm, prayer with songs from Taizé
Leura Uniting Church, Cnr Grose St and Megalong St, Leura
Contact Carolyn at carolyn.craigemilsen or click here [] for further details.
Canberra ACT
Lyons 2606
Immanuel Lutheran Church,
37 Burnie Street, Lyons
3rd Sunday of every month, 5.30pm
Contact: Geoff at gd or Caroline at c.weller
Melbourne CBD
Quarterly, as advertised. Held at ACU Chapel. These prayers are especially for the 18-35s. If you are older, please bring some younger people with you. for details
Visit the Facebook event at []
If you would like be involved with music or help set-up on the night,
please email:
St Margaret’s Anglican Church, 79-81 Pitt Street
Taizé Prayer every last Sunday of the month.
Contact: (03) 9439 9238 parishoffice
A simple meal will be provided at 5:30pm followed by Taizé prayer at 6:30pm. All welcome.
Heidelberg Scots Uniting Church
187 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg.
Taizé space at 8pm on the first Thursday each month (except April, when the prayer will be on Thursday 13 April).
Online option also available, for details visit: []
Contact: sandybrodine
Chalice Uniting Church
251 High Street, Northcote Vic 3070
7pm first Saturday each month from February to December. Come at 5pm if you would like to help with singing
Dinner nearby after for those who wish
Contact Alister Pate alister
Outer Metropolitan
St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral
6 Myers Street, Bendigo, 3550
6pm on the Second Sunday each month from February to May and September to December.
The dates for the rest of the 2023: 12 March, 14 May, 10 September, 8 October, 12 November, 10 December.
Contact: office and see
Please let us know of any other prayers taking place in the Outer Metropolitan area or elsewhere in Victoria
See cEB TaizeBrisbane on Facebook for news of prayer and events
St. Philip’s Anglican Church
115 Cornwall St.
Annerley, QLD 4103
First Sunday of every month at 6pm (except January)
Music practice 5pm
Contact James Macdonald
Moana4019 or 07 33913915
St Thomas Anglican Church
3/96 Jephson Street, Toowong, 4066
5.30 pm every two months on the second Saturday of the month Taizé Style service. Next service on Saturday 9 July, 2022
Email: office or call Margaret Walker on 0412494241
St George’s Anglican Church
2 Walker’s Drive Maleny, 4522
Contemplative Prayer with the songs of Taize: 6pm on the first Sunday of the month.
see for details
Western Australia
Perth CBD
Wednesdays at 5.15pm
Trinity Uniting Church, 72 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000
See [] or call +61861034222
South Perth
26th March and then 3rd Sunday of the month in May - November
St Joseph’s Chapel at 7pm
16 York St, South Perth WA 6151
Contact Sr Maree Riddler rsj maree.riddler or call 0414 683 926
First Saturday of each month (except January) at 5:00 pm
St Brendan’s by the Sea
36-40 Currie Street (Corner of Currie St & Parkland Drive),
Warnbro WA 6169
Contact Fr. Lloyd D’Souza at priest or call (08) 9593 1640
Please let us know of any other prayers with songs from Taizé in Western Australia.
Northern Territory
Rapid Creek
Nightcliff Uniting Church
21 Cummins Street, Rapid Creek NT 0810
First Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm
Contact: Fiona Fergusson []
All Saints Anglican Church
339 Macquarie Street, South Hobart
Third Sunday of the month at 5.00pm, Meditative Prayer using the music of Taizé
Fr David O’Neill
Ph: 04 1975 1321 or 04 1989 1409
assistant cEB allsaints
St Andrew’s Anglican Church
High Street, Evandale, TAS 7212
Every last Sunday in the month, worship with songs from Taizé at 11am. (10am song practice in the church)
Anthea Maynard
Ph: 0434337023