In January 2025, due to the exceptional closure of the welcome, the times of common prayers open to all will be changed.
Sunday 5 January
10am Eucharist for the Feast of the Epiphany in the Church of the Reconciliation
8.00 pm evening prayer in the Church of the Reconciliation
From 6 January to 1 February
Until 2 February there will be no meetings in Taizé, and only the evening prayers (held at 8:00 pm) and the 10 am Eucharist on Sunday mornings will be open to the public.
All these prayers will be in the Church of the Reconciliation.
Saturday 18 January
6 pm Evening Prayer at the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in the Church of Reconciliation, followed by refreshments. (No prayer at 8 pm this day.)
Sunday 26 January
7 pm Prayer at the conclusion of the Community Council, in the Church of Reconciliation, followed by refreshments. (No prayer at 8 pm this day.)
From 27 January to 1 February
8:00 am morning prayer
12.30 midday prayer
8:00 pm evening prayer