Daily Prayers by Brother Matthew

Sunday, 9 February 2025
Christ Jesus, you call each one of us to follow you because you love us with a love that will never end. Although there can be hesitations and even refusals in us, help us like Peter and his companions to hear the gentle breath of your voice which says to us: "Do not be afraid. Dare to respond to my love which welcomes you as you are." And you kindle in us the flickering flame of a hope that will lead us beyond all hope.
Saturday, 8 February 2025
Risen Christ, by your death you have broken the gates of death and have opened up a way of life on which a communion with God and with the people you entrust to us is possible and even certain. Yes, this communion is offered to all people, without exception. Praise be to you!
Friday, 7 February 2025
Christ Jesus, there are moments when we say to you: "Why is there such suffering in me or around me? Why am I tested in so many ways?" You do not give any easy answers, but you stay listening attentively to us. So we come to understand that you will carry us along the way, the little path that you have already travelled.
The prayer read at noon by Brother Matthew is published each day on this page http://www.taize.fr/prayers. You may also find online the Bible text read during the midday prayer at Taizé and a short daily meditation by Brother Roger.