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New Publications

Soyons l’âme du monde – Les chrétiens des premiers siècles nous (...)

Commented Bible Passages

These Bible meditations are meant as a way of seeking God in (...)

Community Council | Prayer of Brother Matthew

The Community held its annual Community Council from 19 to 26 (...)

Prayer live from Taizé

Every Saturday Every Saturday, evening prayer is livestreamed (...)

Tallinn 2024/25: Messages received

On this page are published the messages sent by church and (...)

2023 Visits and gatherings in Australia

On this page, we give news of prayers, meetings and gatherings in (...)

Tallinn 2024/25: Daily meditations by brother (...)

On this page, the daily meditations given each evening in Tallinn (...)

Tallinn 2024/25: Information for the media

Accreditation To follow the European meeting as a journalist and (...)

Tallinn 2024/25: Decoration of the Prayer (...)

This year’s decoration at the Tondiraba skating rink, the site of (...)

Tallinn 2024/25: Delight the eyes and make life (...)

In her 80s, Anu Raud still lives in the isolated farmhouse at the (...)

Tallinn 2024/25: Song sheet

From December 28 to 31, you can follow the evening prayers during (...)

Tallinn 2024/25: Live Prayers

From December 28 to 31, on this page you can follow live the (...)

Letter 2025 by Brother Matthew: Hope beyond all (...)

Listening to young people in Taizé and elsewhere[1], many of whom (...)

Meditations for Advent and Christmas

Every Sunday in Advent, a short meditation will be given during (...)

Tallinn 2024/25: Appeal by leaders of the member (...)

Tallinn and the whole of Estonia have a special opportunity this (...)

At the Wellspring of Faith

2022-02-28 20:30
2022-02-27 20:30
Daily Bible Reading
SUN, 16 February

The person who trusts in God is like a tree planted by the water: in a year of drought it is untroubled and never ceases to bear fruit.

Jeremiah 17:5-8
Daily Prayers by Brother Matthew

Christ Jesus, you call each one of us to follow you because you love us with a love that will never end. Although there can be hesitations and even refusals in us, help us like Peter and his companions to hear the gentle breath of your voice which says to us: "Do not be afraid. Dare to respond to my love which welcomes you as you are." And you kindle in us the flickering flame of a hope that will lead us beyond all hope.



For the Diary

2024/25 European Meeting in Tallinn