Short writings from Taizé

14. Pleasure, Happiness, Joy


What are the differences between pleasure, happiness and joy? And
what do they have in common?

How should we value pleasure in comparison with joy?

Is happiness necessarily self-centred?

How can joy be not only a virtue, but also a living and deep feeling?

Faith and joy, like the sap of a tree in the spring, rising up from the roots of the most elemental pleasures to its summit in the life of the spirit….

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Last updated: 26 June 2010

Short writings from Taizé

These short texts from Taizé, written by some of the brothers, wish to offer an approach to the fundamental wellsprings of the faith. Inspired by the experience of the young adult meetings that take place around the community year after year, they examine questions that are vital for Christians today.

Printed copies, for many of these titles, are available from Taizé. Buy Online.