Short writings from Taizé

21. Toward God, in God


How to prepare oneself for inward prayer following a pathway which is already prayer?
That is the topic of the first of these itineraries, which proposes one possible form.

What God am I conscious of seeking and invoking?
The second of these itineraries tackles this question in a meditation about God.

What role can memory play in helping me get free of an inner distress?
The third of these itineraries attempts to offer a reply.
Each of these itineraries is deliberately brief, a kind of sketch without any claim to be comprehensive.

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Last updated: 29 October 2012

Short writings from Taizé

These short texts from Taizé, written by some of the brothers, wish to offer an approach to the fundamental wellsprings of the faith. Inspired by the experience of the young adult meetings that take place around the community year after year, they examine questions that are vital for Christians today.

Printed copies, for many of these titles, are available from Taizé. Buy Online.