Short writings from Taizé

17. “Make the Unity of Christ’s Body Your Passionate Concern”


“Make the unity of Christ’s Body your passionate concern”: this is the call addressed by Brother Roger to each of the brothers of the Taizé Community.

How does the Community respond to this call?

What does “Christ’s Body” mean?

Why is reconciliation in the Body of Christ so important?

These ae the questions Brother Alois looks at here. He explains the path followed by Brother Roger himself , and then describes how the Community continues on this way: how the brothers invite the young people who come to Taizé from so many countries to become aware of the “one Church of the Lord” and to consecrate their energies to becoming creators of reconciliation them-selves.

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Last updated: 24 October 2012

Short writings from Taizé

These short texts from Taizé, written by some of the brothers, wish to offer an approach to the fundamental wellsprings of the faith. Inspired by the experience of the young adult meetings that take place around the community year after year, they examine questions that are vital for Christians today.

Printed copies, for many of these titles, are available from Taizé. Buy Online.