What is the European Meeting?
The European Meeting is prepared by the Taizé Community, in cooperation with the local Churches and with the support of the city of Ljubljana.
The participants set out, leaving behind the security and familiarity of their homes, to be welcomed by local people,
to get to know and share their life and culture,
to meet other young adults from all over Europe and beyond,
to seek a meaning to life through prayer, silence and song, personal reflection, and sharing,
to enter together into the new year 2024.
In return, the hosts open their doors,
welcome strangers and
are willing to share their lives with them for a short time.
This requires mutual trust from everyone and thus, the meeting becomes a sign of how we can live in solidarity and friendship.
Welcome to Ljubljana
We would like to invite you to spend the end of the year 2023 in Ljubljana. The local communities and individuals are already preparing for your visit!