At the Wellspring of Faith
Prayers by Brother Alois
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Prayer live from Taizé
Daily Bible readings
Prayer for Each Day
Daily Prayers by Brother Matthew
Prayer intentions
Young adults and prayer at Taizé
The value of silence
How to prepare a prayer service
Preparing a time of prayer
Preparing a space for a meditative prayer
Icons in worship
Meditative singing
Learning the songs
Meditations and Reflections
“A very simple reality”
Commented Bible Passages
Meditations for Advent and Christmas
Homily by the Archbishop of York
A Way of the Gospel at St Stephen’s Source
Meditations by Brother Matthew
Pentecost 2024: Celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit
Choose the path of a greater love
Express a sense of solidarity
A treasure in clay jars
Lord, show me the way
Nothing is impossible for God
Discerning the signs of God around us
Does Jesus still say to us today “Come and follow me?”
Prayer Stronger than Hatred
Easter 2024: Let us dare to believe in the sign of the empty tomb
A foretaste of spring at Taizé
1st Sunday of Advent 2023
Advent Meditations 2023
Questions on the Bible and the Christian Faith
What does it mean to “welcome God’s kingdom like a child”?
The mystery of Christmas
The Church
What does the Bible say about the attitude of believers to wider society?
The commandments
What is the place of human beings in the universe?
The Cross
Death: How can we say that Jesus died “for us”?
Different religions and the Gospel
The Eucharist
The Eucharist seen by a 2nd century Christian
What does it mean to evangelize?
How does the New Testament speak about faith?
What Is Distinctive About the Christian Faith?
Fear of the Lord
Why did Jesus keep Judas in his close circle until the end?
Does forgiving mean forgetting?
Freedom: Am I still free if I obey a call from Christ?
Freedom: Is everything that happens decided by God in advance?
Do we have the right to be happy when others are suffering?
Must a Christian believe in the existence of hell?
Christian hope
Why did Jesus tell his disciples not to judge?
Love of enemies
If God is merciful, why does the Bible contain threats?
If God is present in everyone, what does faith add?
What is needed for a true dialogue between Christians of different confessions?
How can we concile diversity and reconciliation?
Should we regret our sins?
The suffering of the innocent
Are the differences between Christians a problem or an asset?
“What is best in our life grows out of a simple trust in God.”
Can we really make the world better?
Portraits of some witnesses to Christ
St. Irenaeus of Lyons (2nd Century)
St. John Chrysostom (344 – 407)
St. Augustine (354-430)
Dorotheus of Gaza (6th Century)
Franz Stock (1904-1948)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945)
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)
Mother Teresa (1910–1997)
Short Writings from Taizé
1. I Believe; Help My Unbelief
2. Saved by the Cross of Christ?
3. What Is Distinctive About the Christian Faith?
4. Dialogue and Sharing with Believers of Other Religions
5. Thrice Holy God
6. Do We Need the Church?
7. The Eucharist and the Early Christians
8. It Is the Word That Is the Bread of Silence
9. The Two Faces of the Cross
10. Brother Roger, Founder of Taizé
11. Blessed in Our Human Frailty
12. Easter Voices
13. Is Christ Divided?
14. Pleasure, Happiness, Joy
15. “Rooted and Built Up in Christ”
16. Icons
17. “Make the Unity of Christ’s Body Your Passionate Concern”
18. “I Have Come That They May Have Life”
19. The Rainbow After The Flood
20. Does the Book of Revelation have something to say to us today?
21. Toward God, in God
22. Voices from the Beginning
23. Should We Fear God?
24. Unfailing Faith
25. “Go, I am with you”
Annual message
Letter 2025: Hope beyond all hope
Letter 2024 : Journeying Together
2023 Inner Life and Solidarity
2022 Becoming Creators of Unity
2021 Hoping in Season and out of Season
2020 Always on the Move, Never Uprooted
2019 Let us not forget hospitality!
2018 Inexhaustible Joy
2017 Together, Opening Paths of Hope
2016 The Courage of Mercy
2015 Four proposals
2014 Four Proposals
2013 Four Proposals
2012-15 Towards a New Solidarity
2011 Letter from Chile
2010 Letter from China
2009 Letter from Kenya
2008 Letter from Cochabamba
2007 Letter to those who want to follow Christ
2007 Letter from Kolkata
2006 Brother Roger’s unfinished letter
2005 A future of peace
Prayers by Brother Alois
The prayer read at noon by Brother Alois will be published here each day.