Metropolitan Dimitrios

"Called to be peacemakers and bridges of unity"

During the third "week of sharing and witnessing Orthodox faith", which took place in Taizé from 4 to 11 August 2024, His Eminence, Metropolitan Dimitrios of France, Exarch for Europe of the Ecumenical Partriarchate, addressed this message to the brothers of the community and to young people taking part.

Dear Brother Matthew,
Dear members of the Taizé Community,
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

It is with joy that I return in the footsteps of the great figures of ecumenism who found in the Taizé Community a unique source of inspiration, making the mystery of reconciliation a spiritual exercise in its own right. When we look back over the decades of consecration and the exemplary witness of your ecumenical vocation, we can only welcome the maturing of the spiritual charisms sown by your founder, Brother Roger, of blessed memory, and which continue to germinate.

Today, in the midst of this Olympic summer, we remain attentive to the message of the Gospel. The Holy Fathers, the doctors of our faith, like the anchorites who took to the desert, have often compared the spiritual struggle of the Christian life with the exercise of the circus games. Our asceticism is a constant exercise in renouncing the passions that distance us from God. Our soul is the stage where this tragic battle between good and evil, light and darkness, life and death is played out. Already in the first centuries of Christianity, the book of the Didache referred to these two paths by giving us this reminder: "On the contrary, be gentle, for the gentle will inherit the earth. Be patient, merciful, without malice, peaceful, kind, and tremble continually at the words you have heard. You will not exalt yourself, nor will you open your soul to presumption. Your soul shall not be with the proud, but with the righteous and humble. You will welcome as good things that happen to you, knowing that nothing happens without God". (par.3)

Christians are like wrestlers in the faith. They have received the anointing that prepares them to enter the arena. But their medal is not of this world. The prize so desired is none other than the Lord Himself, in whom the reality of the heavenly Kingdom unfolds. The saints are their heroes. They have crossed the finishing line in a race in which there is neither first nor last, because it is sacrifice that becomes the criterion by which the achievement is judged.

Here, in this beautiful and historic community of Taizé, your discipline is the ceaseless search for unity that is constantly deepening. Dialogue is an instrument that must be mastered with speed and precision in the ecumenical context that is yours. Our Lord Jesus Christ prayed that we might be one, just as He and the Father are one. This prayer remains an urgent call for each of us. The unity we seek is not limited to uniformity of rites or traditions, but lies in love, mutual understanding and a spirit of reconciliation.

We live in a world of division and conflict. Yet, as followers of Christ, we are called to be peacemakers and bridges of unity. Here in Taizé, we are inspired by the example of reconciliation and fraternal community. Your commitment to praying together, living together and serving together is a model for the whole world. Let us remember the words of the apostle Paul to the Ephesians: "Strive to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace". (Ephesians 4:3). It is a task that requires our daily dedication and our faith in God’s transforming love.

May our time here in Taizé strengthen our commitment to unity and communion. May we always be guided by the Holy Spirit to move forward on the path of Christian unity, not only in word but also in deed and prayer.

May the peace of Christ be with you all. Thank you for your welcome!

Last updated: 13 August 2024