Email addresses

What you need to know

You can write an email link in one of these two ways:

Please [send me->[email protected]] a message.


[->[email protected]]

The word(s) which appear on the screen are whatever is in the square bracket, but before the “arrow”: send me.

If you omit the text before the arrow, a text resembling the actual address will be displayed.

Filling in the Subject field

You can also prefill the text of the Subject field by using this syntax:

[Contact in Taizé->mailto:[email protected]?subject=South Africa]

Note: In this case, the “mailto” protocol needs to be explicitly inserted after the arrow.

Technical note

Because Spam has become such a problem, we are now very careful about how we make email addresses publicly available. The email addresses on the Taizé site do not exist on the webpages, but are only created when the visitor clicks the link. The link opens their email programme and makes a new ready-addressed message.

This will work if the visitor’s browser has Javascript support and their computer has an email programme - this is true for the great majority of computers used for browsing on the internet.

Users who do not have Javascript or an email programme will not be able to use the link.

If you try to type email addresses without using the arrow shortcut, the site’s email protection steps up a gear. If you type [email protected], for example, the @ sign will be changed to 3 random characters. So you will get a text like “someone 6fR” on the screen!

22 August 2011.