Prayer for Each Day

The content of the Book “Prayer for Each Day” (Prières pour Chaque Jour) is now integrated into the website.

The texts of the prayers are placed in a special section of the site. The prayer which is displayed changes automatically according to the date. In order for this to work, it is important to follow the instructions below exactly.

Adding a translation

- Go to the section holding the English version of the prayers and go to the prayer which corresponds to the one you are going to enter in your language.
Tip: The sections pages usually show only 10 of the articles they contain. To see the full list, click « Tout afficher » or "Show all" on the right, at the bottom of the list of articles.

- Click "Write a new translation".

- First select the section according to your language. For example, in French choose:
Extra >> French (extra) >> Prayers (fr)

- Put in the title (including the leading number as in English) and paste in the prayer in your language, using the same layout tags.
Put {2{ ...}2} for the main elements of the prayer,
and <ref> ... </ref> around bible references.




My soul, give praise to the Lord;
_ I will praise the Lord all my days,
_ make music to my God while I live.


It is the Lord who loves the just
_ but thwarts the path of the wicked.
_ The Lord will reign for ever,
_ Zion’s God, from age to age.

<ref>from  Psalm 146</ref>


Paul wrote: For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom ... filled with all the fullness of God.

<ref>Ephesians 3,14-19</ref>


Many of Jesus’ disciples ...  know that you are the Holy One of God.”

<ref>John 6,66-69</ref>

- Save the article.

- Attach the appropriate keyword from the group Prayers (Advent, Christmas, Lent, etc.)

- Publish the article.

- When you have done all the prayers in your language, ask one of the “web brothers” to put the new pages online.


- It is very important to be exact with the formatting. Even a small mistake, for example leaving out a <ref> tag, can completely change the layout of the page. Therefore the first thing you should do when the prayers are put online is to look through the entire list to check that each page is correct.

- The mechanism for displaying a prayer is as follows:
A prayer in English is assigned to each day;
When viewing the prayer page of another language, the prayer which is attached as a translation to the English will be shown.
If a translation in the appropriate language does not exist, then another prayer in that language with the same keyword (Lent, Easter, Church, etc.) will be shown.
If there is no such prayer then a message is displayed saying that no prayer can be found.

28 March 2015.