When you come to Taizé, you need:
• Appropriate medical cover and/or insurance.
• People living within the European Union must bring their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) (for UK citizens or residents, bring the General Health Insurance Card: see https://www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/he...).
• All under 18s must bring written parental agreement and keep this with them at all times. This agreement designates an over 18 as the holder of parental authority. This person should be aware of any existing medical conditions and give legal authorisation for medical treatment in case of an emergency.
• Anyone needing medication on a regular basis must ensure that they have sufficient supplies of that medication with them to cover their time of stay.
A first aid point exists in Taizé:
• Medical care is assured by medically qualified personnel resident in Taizé. Other health professionals who are taking part in the weekly meetings help them, in liaison with the local health services.
• All personnel in the first aid point respect and apply the safeguarding policy and procedures set up especially where under 18s are concerned.
• If you have any medical needs, the personnel are there to help you and point you in the right direction. Please contact them first if you fall ill.
• Medical care of under 18s can only be undertaken with the written agreement of the designated holder of parental authority who must be reachable by phone at all times.
Notes :
• Participants who have had an infectious disease recently must ensure that they are no longer contagious before coming to Taizé.
• Participants in the meetings must ensure that vaccinations are up to date, especially for tetanus.
• In France, medical care must be paid for. Be aware of this if you need to use the local medical services. Any reimbursement depends on your insurance.