Our approach

Safeguarding policy


In Taizé, we commit ourselves to

  • • have a dedicated safeguarding team comprised of representatives of the different communities present in Taizé and also people from outside of the Taizé community.
  • • increase our focus on safely recruiting, training and supporting all people involved in organising the meetings, whatever their level of responsibility, so that they have the confidence and skills to recognise and respond to abuse.
  • • display clearly in several locations in Taizé, the information about whom to contact in the event of anything relating to abuse or aggression.
  • • respond to any reports or legitimate concerns relating to safeguarding individuals by taking appropriate protective measures.
  • • listen to and take seriously any person who reports abuse or aggression, whatever the type of abuse, wherever and whenever it happened.
  • • act responsibly towards people who may represent a danger for others.
  • • ensure that the safeguarding policy, procedures and risk assessments are in place and reviewed annually in February by an interdisciplinary group involved in the meetings and then validated by the independent Reports Reception and Monitoring Team.