1. What do I need to know if I come as a family to Taizé (in Olinda)?
- • The place where the families are welcomed is called Olinda, in the village of Ameugny, a 10-minute walk from Taizé.
- • This area is reserved for parents, children, young volunteers and leaders. All of them wear wristbands to identify themselves.
- • All activities and meals take place in Olinda.
- • Families can come and take part in the prayers in Taizé.
- • As parents/carers, you are responsible for your children at all times. When you are in Taizé for prayer, keep your children close to you and make sure that they do not wander alone in the church or outside.
- • Between Taizé and Olinda, take the signposted path rather than the road, for greater safety.
- • If your children want to go to Oyak, they must be accompanied.
- • Night cover is provided. You will be informed of this at the beginning of the week
2. Who is responsible for leading the meetings in Olinda?
The brothers’ community leads the meetings, working in collaboration with the sisters of St. André, young volunteers from different countries and young people who are in Taizé for the week.
3. How does Taizé ensure the proper conduct of all these different parties and the protection of children?
Brothers, sisters and employees undergo ongoing training to raise awareness of safeguarding issues. They are assisted by resource persons specialized in these questions.
Each volunteer follows a program that begins with an initial talk about the reasons for their application and - if they are accepted - they sign a code of conduct. Volunteers are monitored by a reference person in Taizé (brother or sister). At the beginning of their stay, they receive compulsory training in questions of safeguarding.
Young volunteers who help out in Olinda meet with the brothers. After an initial talk, they sign a code of conduct and receive awareness training. Every day, one of the leaders meets the young people who help with the activities to take stock of the situation and to discuss any difficulties that may arise.
4. As a parent, what do you need to watch out for?
- Your duty of care and supervision to accompany and protect your children is the same as at home. People from outside the meetings circulate in the villages of Taizé and Ameugny.
- If you feel uncomfortable with a situation in Olinda, you can always choose to keep your child with you. Please just let the brother leading the animation in Olinda know.
5. Who should I contact if I have questions about child protection?
• a child tells you about a “strange” situation;
• you see something disturbing in the relationship between an adult or young person and a child;
• your child tells you of a difficult situation that another child has told them about;
• you are shocked by remarks or games that seem discriminatory, racist, ambiguous or sexually explicit or expressions out of the child’s normal character.
Don’t stay alone with the situation. Don’t try to deal with a situation alone. Speak with the brother in charge of Olinda. At La Morada or El Abiodh you can contact the brother in charge of safeguarding, or you can reach him 24 hours a day on +33 749 04 75 85. This number is displayed in all the houses and meeting places. You can also send an e-mail to taize.safeguarding protonmail.com. People who are not part of the community will read it and get back to you within 24 hours.